About Us...

We are a passionate team of people out to deliver customized and personalized products and services.

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While some of us come with multiple decades of experience, we also have those who infuse fresh energy in team. We have a very diverse team of experts from IIM, IIT, different industries etc. We have come together to provide all our products and services under a common umbrella, "Elixiric" to cater to a very personalized experience that delivers maximum value to our customers.

We are offering four categories of products/services to begin with. Currently, our in-person services are limited to Delhi and surrounding states but we are willing to travel further to address our customer's needs if required and feasible. We also have services that are location independent. We cater to individuals as well as organizations of all sizes. Please explore our Services section further to know all that have to offer. But if you don't find something that you expected to see here, please do not hesitate to Contact Us.

Officially Registered

We are officially a registered startup and delivering personalized experiences.


"Covid break" was the start of our homework...

...and over a period of next 3 years, we build the base required to get started


We realize that we rarely find something that caters to us as an individual and thus an idea is born. Several tea/coffee sips later, we start to believe that we can do something about this